Friday, December 18, 2020

Final Portfolio

Thank you again for all of your help and patience this semester. It was a great community, and I am so grateful to have been able to work with you and the other students.

Assignment #8, Franklin


Photos from the Women's March in D.C. October 17, 2020.

Assignment #2, Franklin


Masked up photos from Violetville, Baltimore

Final Portfolio, Heflinger

Thanks for a great semester! Have a happy and safe break!!

Final portfolio, Franklin

Final Portfolio, Momeni 

Final Portfolio - Lappas

Final Portfolio Morales

Final Portfolio, Harkleroad

Year End Wrap Up

 Do not click on link

until everyone has

presented their portfolios

Year End

Final Portfolio, Jacobsen

Friday, December 4, 2020

Scavenger Hunt, Outhier


Something blue.
Something organic in shape (flowers are organic).
Something smooth (the cat).
Something fuzzy.
Laces (the pendants).
Something that shows my age (my La Croix obsession).
My reflection.
Something edible or that once held something edible.
Geometric in shape.
Something red.
Above my head.
Below my knees.
What I use every day.
The letter y.
Look down.
Look up.
Something cool (a low light wreath).

Photo Scavenger Hunt, Momeni

Something blue.

Something organic in shape.

Something edible.

Something fuzzy.

A photo that shows motion.

A close up photo.

Something with laces.

Something reflective.

A photo taken below your knees.

Something cool.


Photo Scavenger Hunt, Longest

Cool Photo


Below Knees

Something Fuzzy

Looking straight down

Something Edible

Something Blue

Something Red

Macro Photo

 Looking straight up

Photo Scavenger Hunt, Fields


Photo looking straight down: our garland and our foyer.

Cool photo of something: my record player and records.

Photo that shows motion: my cat.

Photo of something with laces: my mom's sweater.

Close up photo: my guitar.

Photo that show my age: my high school yearbooks.

Photo of something blue: a blue chair in our family room.

Something fuzzy: our blanket basket in the family room.

Photo taken above my head: family room.

Geometric shapes.